Wednesday, 12 February 2025

WARLEY - Westfield

Guy Steve and Rich went to deal with two reported problems - a section of very poor drainage and almost non-existent waymarking. The path is part of the 'Walk around Warley Village' produced by 'Friends of Calderdale Countryside', so it is well used. 

Today's work was funded by Calderdale Council Highways.

 The details

The path leading up to Westfield was very wet with deep mud. After much exploration we failed to find any source of the water. The only solution we could come up with is to channel off the water to the field edge and put down the stones we dug up. Rough and ready but it should be an improvement. 


It was clear that people were walking up to the top of the field, partly to avoid the quagmire, so we added a post to indicate the path.  

The final job was to add waymarks to all the junctions (that is, apart from having to wash all the mud off the tools . . . and us!).