Two jobs for Linda and Rich today. The first was revisiting a bridge in Charlestown to replace some rotten slats (funded by Calderdale Highways), then on to the path through Lee Wood to replace a broken step (funded by a local donation).
Following a report from a walker, a few weeks ago we went to do repairs to the bridge over Dale Clough below Winters. The two broken slats were replaced, but we identified another dozen that were suspect!
Removing the suspect slats was all too easy.
Basically most of them just fell apart!
Given its wet location, we will rely on local walkers to let us know if we need to revisit.
Then it was on to the back of Hebden Bridge to sort a reported broken step on a path through Lee Wood.
The rotten step was replaced and tools all cleaned. As a bonus, we did quite a lot of snipping of brambles and holly on the way back to the car.