Friday, 7 February 2025


On this extremely cold and windy day there were two teams out from Todmorden:

Team 1: Catherine and Kasher were step building on the path which joins Tod 105 and Tod 102 (between Stones Road and Watty Lane).

Team 2: Ian V, RJ and Mick completed barrier construction at Daisy Bank in Blackshaw Head (see last week's blog).  They then started on some of jobs identified during the recent survey of the Fielden Trail around Todmorden. This included cutting back near West End Farm (on Tod 082) and installing new marker posts on the route from Robin Wood to the ruins of Royd Farm (on Tod 085). 

Today's work was partially funded by Calderdale Council's Ward Forum grant and partially by individual donations to CROWS. Many thanks.


Team 1:

This well-used path, although not on the definitive map, cuts up the hillside from the bend in the road on Stones Road and comes out on Watty Lane below Watty Farm. There is a mixture of stone steps and wooden steps up the hill but most of the wooden steps were rotten. 

We have replaced seven steps, cleared the lower stone steps and re-installed the broken marker post on Watty Lane. We will come back in a few weeks time to ensure that the tread areas are consolidated and, if necessary, construct one or two additional steps.

The path between Stones Road and Watty Lane.

The well disguised steps up the hillside.

Clearing the stone steps.

Catherine working on the new steps.

Part of the new flight of steps.

The flight of steps from Stones Road.

Team 2: 

New marker posts were needed on the route towards the remains of Royd Farm. 
This is on the second section of the Fielden Trail.

Mick and RJ installing one of the marker posts.

Before: . . . The overgrown stile below West End

After: . . . The foliage-free stile below West End.

A cheerful Mick with the barrier and the explanatory notice on
the moor below Daisy Bank, BSH.