Friday, 17 January 2025

TODMORDEN - Todmorden Moor - Session 5

Today was (hopefully!) our last full session on Todmorden Moor. After two glorious days earlier in the week, the team of Mick, RJ, Catherine and Kasher were faced with low cloud and residual patches of snow on this sodden and somewhat bleak moorland.

After retrieving the timbers which we had stashed on the moor before Christmas, we fettled-up the remaining boardwalks on Tod 073 and Tod 076. The boardwalks are now on a new(ish) route which avoids the boggiest of areas but is still close to the path-line on the definitive map. At first glance their positioning may look strange, but it will direct walkers and runners safely across this very wet moor . . . but be alert - over time boggy areas can shift and deepen!

All the boardwalks  have now received the' staple' treatment so they are less slippery than the previous ones.

We have one minor task to complete (the fitting of a kickboard) before moving on to re-visit the Geology Trail to sort out some bridges . . .  and more boardwalks!

Today's work has been funded by Reaps Moss wind farm. Many thanks.

Boardwalks have been built and repaired on Tod 073 and Tod 076.

Mick dismantling an old boardwalk.

Catherine working out what to do with a saw . . . !

A dry area for tools and equipment.

Catherine's favourite job . . . adding staples
to boardwalks!

RJ and Mick getting to grips with stapling (!)

Not the driest or warmest place for lunch.

Catherine, Mick and Richard at the end of the day..