Friday, 17 January 2025

TODMORDEN -The Fielden Trail

Todmorden Town Council have kindly awarded CROWS a Ward Forum grant to survey and improve the way marking and information provision on the Fielden Trail, a route devised a number of years ago by Jim Jarrett.

This 20 mile route around Todmorden links together many of the places associated with the Fielden family. You may be lucky enough to have a copy of the booklet giving details of this trail but, if not, full details can be found on :

RJ and Kasher chose a beautiful sunny day to survey and improve the way marking on the paths along the first section of this route from Todmorden town hall to Frieldhurst Road in Cornholme.

We have identified a number of issues which CROWS will tackle over the coming weeks.

Marker post needed at the end of Hollins Road.

Erosion problems but we may be able to create 
 step or two.

Way markers being added by RJ.

The Fielden Trail goes past Springs.

RJ checking the route above Hudson Bridge.