The brand-new leaflet giving details of the Todmorden Moor Geology Trail has just been printed.
This leaflet, produced by CROWS, is updated from the original produced by Todmorden Moor Restoration Trust and West Yorkshire Geology Trust.
These leaflets will soon be on sale in Todmorden TIC and Hebden Bridge Town Hall etc. The leaflet contains a map of the walk (~5.5 km) over the moors between Tower Causeway and the Bacup Road, and gives details of the history and geology of this fascinating area. It is an interesting walk with stunning views - best appreciated in fine weather!
The trail is clearly waymarked with white-topped posts which are much favoured by the moorland cattle as scratching posts! Mmm! There are also a number of large noticeboards along the route which will give you detailed information at specific points of interest. Enjoy!
The funding for this leaflet and for improvements to the trail has been provided by Reaps Moss Wind Farm. Many thanks.
(Information about this walk is also available on the 'Heart of the Pennines' website).