Wednesday 2 October 2024

TODMORDEN - Stoney Royd Lane and Meadow Bottom

 RJ and Kasher had another outing with the brush cutters, this time to cut back Tod 192 and Tod 094 from Stoney Royd Lane and over the railway bridge towards Dineley Avenue. We concentrated on cutting back the brambles which were in danger of taking over the lower reaches of the path.

After a successful widening of the paths the team went up Meadow Bottom Road to improve the access to and visibility of the Calderdale Way. The CW comes down from East Whirlaw Farm and up to the golf course then down towards Meadow Bottom (on a CW link path). The way marking in this area, which has a TCW link path, a CW link path and the CW, is rather complicated!

The third task of the day was to review the footpath Tod 029 (in Ridge Wood off Scrapers Lane).We needed to come up with a plan to improve the surface of the route beyond the bridge and near to the large tree which had come down but has been partially removed.

Today's work has been funded by Todmorden Town Council. Many thanks.

Tod 192 and Tod 094 off Stoney Royd Lane.

Location of Tod 029 above Hole Bottom.

Task 1: strimming Tod 192 and Tod 094 off Stoney Royd Lane

The overgrown path (Tod 192).

The cleared path from Stoney Royd Lane to Dineley Ave.

RJ on the walled lane with impressive gate posts!

Task 2: clearing and way marking above Hole Bottom on the Calderdale Way.

First find the steps and the pathway . . .
(but no Whole Bottom jokes, please!) . . . 

. . . .  then clear, cut back and way mark.

Task 3: Surveying and planning for work on Tod 029.

A narrow pathway close to the remains of a large
tree. Revetment will be needed here to stabilise
this path.