Wednesday 2 October 2024

HEBDEN BRIDGE: Foster Dam riverside path- Handrails!

 Foster Dam, Riverside Path: Handrails-R-Us

On a day ideal for working, Jerry, Ken and Frank H constructed handrails at two points on the path that follows the river from Windsor View towards Lee Mill Bridge.

Windsor View to Lee Mill Bridge

The first handrail was at the start of a path delightfully described on the Calderdale Council map as Windsor Road, Dog Bottom, Hebden Bridge

The second handrail was on the Hebden Bridge Riverside Path near a 'sleeper' bridge where there was a very exposed sheer drop into Hebden Water.

This work and other repairs along the Foster Dam path are being funded by Trustees of the Foster Dam area, Hebden Royd Town Council and individual donations. Many thanks.

The detail  

Handrail 1

This was a scaffolding type handrail fitted to the stone steps where the path from Windsor View passes through a wall gap. The approximate position is shown on the following map:

The handrail itself was bracketed to two cylindrical metal posts anchored vertically on the stone steps. Here's how the work progressed:

The vertical posts are clamped in
a metal 'shoe'which is bolted
to the edge of the step

Handrail clamped to the vertical posts.
The exposed ends of the handrail are
covered by end caps (see next picture).

Quality check? Ken seems to approve.

Handrail 2

This was really a timber guard-rail fitted to prevent the unwary walker from falling over an exposed edge into Hebden Water! The approximate position is shown on the following map:

The guard-rail is near a wooden 'sleeper' bridge. This bridge
and its side-rails are earmarked for replacement.

Here's how the guard-rail work progressed:

The short guard-rail will be fitted so walkers
coming along the path from the right are 
prevented from having an early bath!

Two posts already in place and Ken is fixing the
anchoring 'shoe' for the central post.

One set of guard rails screens-off
a potential watery tumble!

Stress Test? Will it take a heavy lean? 
85 kg of Frank thinks so!

This is just the start of the jobs in this area. Extensive work will be done firstly on the sleeper bridge and its fencing, then along the very popular Foster Dam path back to Windsor View.