Wednesday 18 September 2024

CRAGG VALE - Broadhead

Billie, Guy and Rich went to Broadhead End to cut-back and widen the path, deal with a very wet section and add some waymarking. This path connects with Broadhead Clough Nature Reserve where Yorkshire Wildlife Trust did recent work to clear the upper section of the path (blue on the map). Today's work was funded by donations to CROWS. Many thanks.


 The details

Some of the path was covered in bracken. This was cut back but revealed several uneven sections of the path that were in need of levelling.

Definitely some cutting back needed!

Same section of path cut-back, widened and levelled.

One section was so extensively wet that, with the landowner's permission, we dug a channel to drain the path's route whilst still preserving much of the wet habitat.

Guy checking the water flow in the new channel.

Channel working fine.

Time will tell what effect this work will have - we will monitor. 

The final job, at the gate, was to put in two yellow-top posts with waymark disks. This work was successfully tested by two passing walkers!

Waymark post at the beginning of the path.