On a glorious sunny Friday, Jak, Jerry, Graham and Angus tackled the clearing of the footpath below Bowers Lane, off Saddleworth Road which linked to Branch Road (see the map below for location details). This job was well overdue having been reported several months ago.
The path was badly overgrown although some brave soul had managed to clear a narrow track and there were three stiles within a short distance, the first being an extravagant landing platform type arrangement next to Saddleworth Road. We decided to remove this completely as the four supporting posts and treadboards were completely rotted through. Fortunately, this revealed a perfectly functional stone step!
An interesting construction though somewhat 'over the top' for accessing the path.
Badly overgrown although someone had managed to hack their way through.
Graham and Jak exposing the 'hidden' walls on one edge of the footpath.
A second stile seemed somewhat out of place and more of a hindrance than a help to those using the path. It was very high and one of the treadboard supports was rotten. It was decided to remove the stile completely but leave a low fence; a compromise which made passage easier and safer.
The final stile located at the end of the path where it joined pasture land had another substantial
treadboard construction which had rotted at ground level. It was more like a horse jump than a stile . . . which suited the occupants of the adjoining field!
Our replacement was a standard one-step stile . . .which Mr Haigh's ponies viewed with great interest!