Friday 12 July 2024



Today's team of RJ, Catherine, Gareth, Neil M and Kasher travelled to Peacock Lane in Bottomley and to Warland to work on two footpaths, Tod 144 and Tod 145. 

CROWS had worked on Tod 144 earlier in the year and were successful in making improvements to the drainage along this path.

Today's work was to strim and cut back the vegetation, deepen the drainage channels, unblock the drainage grills from the clough that feeds down into the lane, and to get rid of that pesky balsam! We also took the opportunity to replace a marker post and re-bed the loose PBW post spotted by Wednesday's work party.

In addition, we cleared another section of Tod 144 which is probably the steepest path in this part of Calderdale. It goes from the top of Peacock Lane to Allescholes Road and is not for the faint-hearted . . . .  although the plentiful supply of bilberries is a strong incentive! 

After a well deserved break, we moved on to Warland to start the cutting back and strimming of the bracken which was in danger of completely taking over Tod 145. There is more to do here and we will need to return - possibly next week.

Today's work has been funded by Todmorden Town Council. Many thanks.

Tod 144 off Peacock Lane, Bottomley.

Tod 145 through the bracken in Warland.

Catherine fighting through the balsam to the
start of the uphill path.

Steps now visible and a new marker post installed.

A view up the valley from Tod 144.

Neil M sorting out the drainage on Tod 144.

Neil M and Catherine - in camouflage! 

RJ contemplating how to attack the bracken.

The path now strimmed and widened.

The mosquito hat has been in use again.