Wednesday 12 June 2024

BLACKSHAW HEAD: donkey-proof stile below Dove Scout

Wednesday 12th June

Dove Scout stile - donkey-proof but dog-friendly.

We should have realised! - building a stile near to an old quarry would make for a very long session! Fortunately the weather was fine, the temperature moderate, the location sheltered and Jan, Neil D and Frank H were well prepared for an energetic day!.
The old stile had partly rotted away and was in a fragile state being held together with that South Pennine favourite - bailer twine! The re-build had to be configured to prevent the landowners' donkeys from escaping yet still be able to allow passage for large dogs! Mmm!
The stile was on very rocky terrain and sinking holes to the required depth took time and considerable effort! Nevertheless, thanks to the heavy bar and an equally heavy lump hammer we managed to excavate both of the side-post holes and one (out of two) of the step-leg holes.
Bedrock was the problem for the remaining step-leg but ingenious construction techniques (CROWS' trade secret!) solved the problem.
The landowners took a very keen interest in our work, did a considerable amount of carrying (thank you) and supplied us with freshly made scones (with jam!) It was satisfaction all round! -  we were well pleased with the scones and they were delighted with quality of stile construction.

Here's the location. It's on a gradually rising path with a steepish drop along one side.

Note the quarry! (Delph is the Old English word for a quarry)

The Detail

1. Before picture: A rickety stile with several deficiencies!

2. The work begins - easy dismantling . . . 
. . . hence the smiles all round.
3. Discussion time - can we find a 'soft' spot
for a post hole? Mmm ! Not really!

4. One side-post (the one that's propping up Frank)
temporarily in place and Jan, in debris excavation
mode, wishing he had longer arms! 
5. Mmm! More adjustment needed!

6. Stile side-post are in place so it's time 
for a 'Scones-Are-Us' moment!
7. The step-leg problem. A huge slab of base rock 
is exactly where the step-leg needs to go.
8. Treadboard being positioned.
9. Late (very late) afternoon. The basic stile
framework is in place and it's now 
discussion time for the best method of 
closing a gap to the adjacent stock fence. 

10. End result i: Up-slope view of the low 
one-step stile with links to adjacent fencing!

This stile provides a barrier which is easy for walkers to negotiate but high enough to deter donkeys (they are not great jumpers!). To the right is a dog-gap ample enough for the most laterally challenged of canines! Side-rails are linked to ancillary posts and the existing (but fragile) stock fences.
11. End result ii: Down-slope view shows the stile/barrier
as the donkeys would approach it. Job done!

12. Beautiful views over the Calder Valley to 
Stoodley Pike. We would have really enjoyed these . . . 
. . . if only we could have got our heads out of a post hole!

Today's work was funded by donations from Blackshaw Head Parish Council, Neil's 'Cream Teas Pennine Way Birthday' fundraising efforts (in April) and the landowners. Many thanks.