Monday 10 June 2024

SOWERBY - Boulder Clough

Angus, Jerry and Rich went up to a paved path that had been reported as overgrown with some causey stones having been moved by cattle. The causey stones were reset and the path was strimmed and cut back (as a test of a Husqvarna multi-tool). The path was also waymarked. 

Today's work was funded by 12th Halifax Sea Scouts and a local path user. 


The details

The dislodged causey stones

Reset and levelled

The path is under there . . . somewhere!

Nearly cleared

The battery brush cutter worked really well

Top of the path with a cut-back hawthorn

 To finish, we added waymarks to the top and bottom of the path. 

Using battery powered brush cutters has the advantage of their being lighter than petrol driven versions, but it is also part of our endeavours to keep a low carbon footprint. We are able to purchase one thanks to a grant from Calderdale Highways and funding from CROWS' reserves.