Monday 17 June 2024



A team of four Crows put in a big shift cutting back dense vegetation on two footpaths in Old Town. Linda, Stella, Gerry and Paul set about with a variety of cutting back tools including strimmer's and hedge cutters to tackle a main path artery of the village leading up from Martin Mill to Chiserley Stile and a residual side path from South Mead to Ibbotroyd Farm.

Work funded by Wadsworth Parish Council thank you.

Cut back paths in red.

The local Nettle, Dock, Buttercup and Cow Parsley populations have been having a 'field' day in recent weeks, lapping up a lot of rainfall to expand their territories. It proved difficulty seeing some of the footpath let alone walking through it! 

Path up from South Mead.

Lower path.

Path down from Chiserley Stile

Fortunately we had a dry day (bar one shower) to work in, though it had rained the night before. Gerry and Paul worked on the path up from Martin Mill to the gap stile and on the side path to Ibbotroyd Farm.

Cleared path from the Gap Stile.

Path cleared to Ibbotroyd.

Path cleared bottom end by South Mead

Meanwhile Linda and Stella grappled with the narrow path that shoots upwards from the gap stile to Chiserley Stile running adjacent to the rear gardens of the newer houses of Chiserley Gardens. Cutting back bulging hedges and rampant nettles they managed to clear the path for walkers to use comfortably.

path cleared revealing stone steps.

Hedges cut back.

A good days work cutting back these paths so people can use them safely. The main drag is an old pathway (and a Calderdale Way Link path) with stone sets rising steeply up hill and wider stone steps covered over further up the trail. It will be good to return sometime to widen the paths with the aim of attempting to return the path to its original width and design. Maybe in the Autumn...