Friday 14 June 2024


Well, we tried! On one of the wettest mornings of the last few months (and there has been plenty of competition!) Catherine and Kasher went out to tackle a long list of small jobs . . . unforunately we didn't get very far!

Starting off on the Todmorden Centenary Way (TCW) near the 'Wizard', we worked on a wayward finger-post. Although the post has now been re-embedded, we will need to come back to re-pin the 'flag' as the wooden pegs that hold it in position are rotten. As a temporary measure we improvised with scrap timber which was in the vehicle but a permanent repair with appropriate dowelling will be needed.

The 'Wizard' . . . in the rain.

Catherine digging a new hole for the finger-post.
In the dry . . . 

. . .  but not for long. A wet Catherine but 
the finger-post is now re-positioned..

While at the stile we also cut back any vegetation around the posts and re-fixed two cross-rails on the TCW link path stile near the Wizard.

We then ventured to 'Top Brink' to sort out a finger-post, below the pub, on one of the Calderdale Way (CW) link paths. We had also hoped to measure up for a replacement stile at the top of the wood above Folly Dam - a problem which had been reported to CROWS earlier in the week. Unfortunately, the  increasingly heavy rain defeated us.

Another stile to be added to the "to do" list.

Today's work was funded by Todmorden Town Council. Many thanks.