Friday 28 June 2024


 There were two teams out from Todmorden today, both working on bridleways:

Team 1:    Catherine, Ian V and Mick were responding to a request which CROWS received last weekend from a horse rider at Todmorden Country Fair. We were asked to cut back two bridleways:

  • From Lobb Mill car park: Tod BW 037
  • Long Lane/Bean Hole: Tod BW 031

Team 2:     David and Kasher strimmed two sections of the Pennine Bridleway (PBW):

  • Sunderland Lane, behind Land Farm at Rodmer Clough (Blackshaw BW 012)
  • Bow Lane in Blackshaw Head (Blackshaw BW 025)

CROWS have again been 'contracted' to strim sections of the Pennine Bridleway in the Upper Calder Valley. 

Today's work has been funded by Lancashire County Council (for the work on the PBW) with all other activities funded by Todmorden Town Council. Many thanks.

Team 1:

Long Lane/Bean Hole.

BW up from Lobb Mill Car Park.

Mick and Ian cutting back overhanging branches.

The clearing of low hanging branches now
makes it easier for horse (or bike) riders.

This path just needs a bit more
footfall to keep it clear!

Team 2:

PBW in Blackshaw Head.

PBW behind Land Farm.

David strimming near Land Farm. Note (in the
background) the warning flag and 'safety'notice.

Strimming on the PBW in Blackshaw Head - 
trying not to cut down too many foxgloves
in this section; it's a rural path, not a pavement!.

The cleared PBW.