Wednesday 3 July 2024



Frank S and Paul D were out and about today cutting back part of the Calderdale Way footpath that runs up from Shawcroft Cottages to the top of Wainsgate Lane. Incursion of plant life on this well-used path is a perennial problem, particularly at the top and bottom ends, to a degree where the path is unusable and hazardous. 

Site map

Work funded by Wadsworth Parish Council. Thank you.

Morning Glory

We parked at the top end, on Wainsgate Lan, and managed to clear the path through field and hedge before lunchtime:

Where is the path?

Encroaching foliage

A way through at last!

That's better!

After lunch:

From the side of Shawcroft Cottages the footpath snakes its way upwards running parallel to the dry stone wall. We managed to clear the first section of this pathway.

The gable end of Shawcroft Cottages in view.


A productive day's work clearing the worst section of this path to enable safe passage.