There were three teams out from Todmorden today:
1 Mick and Neil M: working on drainage issues on Peacock Lane, Walsden, and at Ashenhurst in Todmorden. Please see the separate Blog.
2 Neil Mc and Ken: completing the boardwalk and steps on the Calderdale Way adjacent to the Todmorden Golf Course (Tod 024). They then moved to Cornholme to complete the chicane, and build a number of steps, above Pitts (on Tod 059). This chicane has been built to minimise the number of mountain bikers using this footpath. Work on the Calderdale Way has been funded by Calderdale Ramblers. The completion of the barrier above Pitts has been funded by Todmorden Wind Farm, administered by the Community Foundation for Calderdale (CFFC).
3 David and Kasher: spent a rather wet day digging two holes and installing one post! This was adjacent to the gap stile at the junction of Tod 015 and Tod 016 at Keelham, off Eastwood Rd. This is the first stage of building a gate, to replace a large cumbersome, blue pallet in front of the gap stile. This work has been funded by individual donations to CROWS. Many thanks.
Worksite on the Calderdale Way adjacent to Tod Golf Club.
The worksite above Pitts.
The junction of Tod 015 and Tod 016. |
The completed boardwalk and steps on the Calderdale Way. |
The completed chicane. |
Two steps added, but more needed. |
The gap stile at Keelham. |
David after a sterling task of installing the gate post. |
Gate post installed.... and it is vertical! |