Friday, 16 February 2024

TODMORDEN - Peacock Lane and Ashenhurst

This was a day of variety for Mick and Neil M. We started by delivering vital supplies to both the other teams who were out today. Then we did what we could to improve wet and boggy stretches of path at two locations: Peacock Lane near Walsden (task funded by the landowner), and above Ashenhurst, task funded by donations from the public. Many thanks.

(1) Peacock Lane (footpath TOD144)

CROWS had been here before to attend to drainage problems (see 10 November 2023). The new channel by the side of the track was mostly holding good, but seepage was observed at one point. So we firmed up the revetment and supporting pegs.


Lower down, below the gate and just above the bend and the hard standing, there was further seepage. This was traced to a small spring by the end post. We dug a further short channel to take the water from this.

(2) Ashenhurst (footpath TOD029)

The standing water in the dip was removed by clearing the accumulation of leaves and mud. A little further on we diverted the stream from flowing down the path. Congratulations were received from a runner . . . the only footpath user we met today!

To finish off we inspected the loop eastward then to the right and steeply down (Footpath TOD028). Just at the street entrance to this path we noted the need for cutting back of brambles and for a waymark.