Friday, 26 January 2024

TODMORDEN - Cornholme - above Pudsey Road Part II - The Chicane

Ken & Catherine returned to this site, at a junction of paths above Pudsey Road, to rebuild the rotted chicane that was dismantled by a team of Crows two weeks earlier. The previous Friday's work parties had been cancelled at the last minute due to snow, so the Tod crew were glad to be setting out in sunshine for a change. 

These barriers are designed to allow pedestrian access but inhibit illegal use. In this instance the chicane consists of two staggered pairs of V-cut posts with longer posts joining them. 

Ken had dropped off the timber earlier in the week and the four upright posts and one cross-rail had thankfully only to be carried a short distance to the site. Tools required were a large bar, spade, saw, drill and lump hammer. Plus Ken had packed cooking oil, silicone & preservative! 

The pair were just about to get going when Mick and Neil M dropped by to collect the old timbers to take to the recycling centre. One of the original cross-rails was in good enough condition to be cut and reused.

The original holes needed digging a bit deeper. Some were set with concrete bases and it took some wiggling to get the new posts in the correct position. The longer posts and cross-rails needed to be cut to the exact lengths. Fortunately, Ken had brought an electric saw . . . . unfortunately, it ran out of charge halfway through the second post! 

Once the posts were in place they were packed with stone. The V-cut tops were brushed with preservative and then a layer of silicone was added before the cross-rails were laid. The silicone fills any gaps preventing water from seeping in. Then the cross-rails were screwed in place. Dipping the screws in cooking oil helps them go in more easily! Finally, strap caps were fitted and nailed in place.

A footpath waymarker would have been added but they could only find a CROWS plaque in the bag - it was decided that the finished chicane merited such an honour. 

Today's work was funded by a donation from Todmorden Wind Farm through the Community Foundation for Calderdale. Many thanks.

Ken carrying timber.

Square hole for a square post.

Posts had to be lifted in and out
a few times to get them correctly aligned!

Ken resizing the posts with the electric
saw before it ran out of charge!
Fortunately a handsaw was also in the bag.

Catherine packing the
bottom of the posts.

Cross-rail . . . exactly horizontal!

Work was supervised by a
couple of friendly goats!

Preservative, strap caps and silicone should
help prolong the life of the chicane.


Worthy of a CROWS plaque.