Wednesday 3 January 2024

HEBDEN BRIDGE - More in Nutclough

 Nutclough - the revetment continues!

Jerry, Stella and Frank H extended the recent revetment work on the well-used path that runs from the end of Chapel Avenue. The approximate location is shown below.

This work is being funded by Pennine Heritage and Friends of Nutclough. Many Thanks.

The detail

Thankfully the weather took a turn for the better! Although we had intermittent very light drizzle, the day was warm and calm in this well-sheltered area.

Here's how the work progressed:

1. Old revetment is being levered out. The boards and stobs are so rotten they fragment on removal.

2. More of the same. We aim to replace 5 lengths of old revetment (3.6 m x 100 mm x 25 mm) with a more substantial (3.6 m x 100 mm x 50 mm) version.

3. The sequence is straightforward - position the new section of revetment, anchor both ends with long stobs (900 mm x 64 mm diameter), install intermediate standard stobs (600 mm x 65 mm diameter), ensure the revetment face is vertical by heavy hammering, add an overlap plate where possible to tie sections of revetment together and in-fill edges with coarse material . . . . then repeat . . . four times!

4. End result

There is a lot more revetment to install and an interesting 'step(s)' to build where a path from the left joins the main path. The combined thoughts and skills of three experienced volunteers should produce a beautiful structure. Mmm! Fact or fiction? Next session will reveal all.