Wednesday 13 December 2023


Lynda and Rich sorted a stile and waymarking near Ogden Farm, and replaced a grab pole on a stile at Nab End quarry. Threatening the weather might have been, but there were fabulous views from this hillside. The work was funded by Sowerby Residents. Many thanks.

Afterwards, we went to check the previous drainage work on Back Lane.

The details

Grab-posts are essential for a stile of this design so a rotten one was replaced.

The stile and path below Ogden Farm had been reported as being difficult to negotiate. We added a step, cut back some encroaching trees, dealt with a section of fencing that was lying over the path and added waymarks where appropriate.

We then revisited the drainage work on Back Lane. This was working well except for one stretch. We did some temporary channeling but will return after Xmas to make the job more permanent.