Wednesday 13 December 2023

CRAGG VALE: Castle Gate Dam another session . . . continued!

Castle Gate Dam steps

A calm, cool day provided ideal conditions for Jan, Jerry and Frank H to continue the work on the steps between Castle Gate and the short footbridge over the dam leat.

Eight steps and a section of revetment were constructed to improve access for walkers.
Today's work was funded by Hebden Royd Town Council.  Many thanks.

The detail
The old steps that lead up to Castle Gate have started to lean forwards and are becoming  misaligned horizontally. Additionally some risers and several stobs are rotten. Replacement with new is the best option.

1. Start of the session:

One old step has been cleared out and the tread area re-levelled to accommodate the first new riser of the day. Jan and Jerry are looking eager and keen! It's perhaps as well, as we hope to get eight steps in place as well as installing a section of revetment. Mmm! . . . get digging, guys!

2. Work in Progress:

It's lunchtime. Four steps are in place and the tricky angle change incorporating a new length of revetment has been successfully engineered. Time for a sandwich then it's 'full steam ahead'!

3. End of session:

Four more steps in place. Revetments (old and new) firmly secured by stobs, down-slope of side banking landscaped and steps made as tidy as possible. So we have:

i) from top to bottom:
View down the steps towards the footbridge.

ii) from bottom to top:
View up the steps towards Castle Gate

We were pleased with today's session. Plan A worked! There were no serious glitches or ground problems and the final outcome makes the descent to (and ascent from) the footbridge straightforward.

We need to replace perhaps one more step in this flight before embarking on a repair of the final section that leads onto the road. Next week (weather permitting) might see the job finished!