Wednesday 20 December 2023


 Ian S, Andrew and Rich worked on the path above and below Staups Mill - replacing a waymark post but mainly path widening and cutting back to get people away from the precipitous edge!  

The work was funded by Little Box Consulting. Many thanks.

The details

The old, decayed waymark post at the top of the Calderdale Way Link path was on the floor! We replaced it with a new post.

The new post

The old post

Ian ensuring the arrows point the right way!

We then worked on the top section of the Link path which had become very narrow due to encroaching vegetation. There are some very steep drops on one side of the path so we needed to restore it to the original width. At the same time we cut-back some of the over-hanging branches.

Here's the before

Andrew working safely above a very steep drop

Here's the after

We then went back down to Staups Mill to carry out similar work on the path around the small dams. 

The 1812 date-stone of Staups Mill, owned by John Horsfall.

Next job, over the bridge, was to remove some branches obstructing the steps and deal with water seepage across the path. 

A good day's work . . . and we managed to avoid the horrible weather above us!!