Wednesday 20 December 2023

CRAGG VALE: Castle Gate Dam . . . continued!

 Castle Gate Dam steps

The day started with drizzle and became damper, but as it never fulfilled the more inclement conditions suggested in the forecast, Jan, Jerry and Frank H were able to work on the final section of the steps that lead up to Castle Gate from the footbridge over the dam leat.

The two tasks were:

1) to add one more step to the flight that was built last week.

2) to start the tricky replacement of the rickety steps that allow walkers to emerge onto Castle Gate.

This work is being funded by donations to CROWS. Many thanks.

The Detail:

1) The minor task: adding one more step to the existing flight.

This solves the problem of a badly tilting old step and allows an angle change at the top of the flight.

Before: The perspective is deceiving,
but the old step is weak and needs to
be at a different angle.

After: The position of the top riser
creates the necessary angle change. 

Depending on the outcome the work being done higher up, one other step may be needed here.

2) The major task: replacing the rickety steps

i. Start of session:

At first glance the old steps seem to be in passable condition but they are a mixture of sound and rotting timbers that flex uneasily under load! A re-configuration is needed. Mmm! We rapidly went though plans A, B and C as more and more decay was revealed!

The overall plan was to replace the longitudinal planks (in the foreground) and the lowest step with a mini boardwalk that would provide a platform on which to construct further steps.

ii. Work in progress:

Stringers are in place for a mini boardwalk and a new fence post with improved alignment is firmly in position.

iii. End of session

The boardwalk platform and the near fence post are permanently in place. The rest of the structure is either old or temporary pending next week's work . . . the weather and a lot of thinking permitting!