Wednesday 20 December 2023

BLACKSHAW HEAD- Near Rodmer Clough

It was probably not the best day to attempt this job but  RJ and Kasher ventured to Rodmer Clough to replace a boardwalk over Great Clough on Heptonstall 025. This path, given on the OS map as Park Lane, goes from Rodmer Clough to Lower Fold.

 A few weeks ago Jan and Kasher were working on this route to re-establish the correct line of the footpath which should be on the wall/fence side of the stream. However, over time, the path has migrated to the field-side of the stream.

The rotten boardwalk.

On our initial visit we cleared the boardwalk and realised that it was rotten and urgently needed replacing. Today's task was to remove the old timbers and construct a new, longer boardwalk to direct people along the correct route.

The start of the day: old boardwalk has been removed.

The new boardwalk going in.

RJ testing out the new boardwalk.

The new boardwalk in place.

Horizontal rain and high winds do not make for an enjoyable day! However, the boardwalk has been replaced but we will need another visit to:

a) add staples to the cross-treads

b) install 4/5 new yellow-topped posts to delineate the route more clearly

c) strim the pathway

d) widen the very narrow section of path by Colden Water 

Today's work has been funded by Littlebox Consulting Ltd. Many thanks.