Wednesday 27 December 2023

CRAGG VALE: Castle Gate Dam . . . more of the same!

Castle Gate Dam steps

A peculiar day for Angus, Jerry and Frank H to continue the work on the very top section of the path and steps that lead up to Castle Gate from the downstream footbridge. 

Why peculiar? The forecast was for torrential rain followed by heavy rain until mid-afternoon when the torrential rain would start again! What happened? Torrential rain then a 3 hour interlude of no rain before a torrential downpour. We used that micro-climate interlude to make progress.

Today's work was funded by donations to CROWS. Many thanks.

The Detail

1. The location:

As a reminder that Cragg Brook is not always a stream that meanders its gentle way to Mytholmroyd, here are a couple of 'brook-in-spate' pictures:

2. Start of work:

The top of the steps leading onto Castle Gate originally looked like this. There are some rotten, sagging steps and most uprights are seriously decayed at ground level!

Last week the lowest two planks were replaced
by a platform. This week the approach path will
be improved and a second level platform created.

3. Work in progress:

Two new approach steps in place with
 an extra section of revetment.

4. End of session:

First step-down to the path filled with
aggregate. Lower and second level
platforms in place with kickboards

Aerial view looking down from the lane
towards the footbridge.

The above needs clarification. The approach steps are new as are the two platforms. The lower (mid-picture) square-section fence post is new as is the square-section post in right foreground. All the other fence rails and posts are old structures that have been temporarily stabilised pending replacement and re-alignment in our next working session.

We are pleased with the outcome so far. It is always satisfying when the decayed and rickety can be replaced by the sound and stable!

The final end product should be secure, safe, durable and easy to use. All will be revealed after the next session!