Friday 29 December 2023

CRAGG VALE: Castle Gate Dam . . . the final steps . . . and rails!

 Castle Gate Dam steps . .  . the final few!

It was a day of mixed fortunes in the form of intermittent rain, resistant ground, jammed drill and bending nails for Jerry and Frank H to put in a long shift to complete the work on the very top section of steps that lead up to Castle Gate from the downstream footbridge. 

Site of steps that exit on to Castle Gate

Today's work was to dismantle any old rotten structures, rebuild the fences and renew the remaining steps. Mmm! It was a long day!

This work has been funded by donations to CROWS. Many thanks.

The Detail.

1. Start of the day:

Here's how the last session finished.

The old steps!

These might look "not too bad" but every vertical post and every horizontal support has evidence of rot! The treadboards sag under load and feel very 'spongy'.

2. Work in progress.

New corner posts with single cross-
rails, and a new double cross-rail that
will support one end of the first step
up from the platform.

Wider view showing the two platforms
(built in the last session), all four new
corner posts and the beginnings of
new cross-rails.
3. End of session.

The end product. Evenly rising steps
now get walkers up to road level from
the path that ascends from the
footbridge over the dam leat. 

This was a long day for Jerry and Frank. It was nearly dark before we had finished because difficulties were encountered when sinking one of the corner posts into its optimum position, time was 'lost' un-jamming the hammer drill and sleety rain swept in ever-heavier bursts across the site.
However, we persisted and the smart looking outcome had its first tests by being easily negotiated by both a 7-year old and a 77-year old (one slightly more graceful than the other!).

There are a few extra touches needed - staples to improve underfoot grip, some minor packing and perhaps an intermediate support pole - but this durable structure is now secure, safe . . . and not unpleasing to the eye.