Friday 29 December 2023

BLACKSHAW HEAD - Near Rodmer Clough

A third visit to the footpath between Rodmer Clough Farm and Lower Fold (Heptonstall 025 . . . AKA Park Lane). 

 Today's team of Neil M and Kasher completed the following tasks:

a) Staples added to the new boardwalk

The old boardwalk (before).

The new boardwalk completed.

b) New yellow-topped posts installed to clearly mark the correct route (i.e. on the wall side and not the field side of the stream)

Neil attacking the tussocks... with
new yellow-topped posts visible.

c) Original surviving yellow-topped posts reinstated

d) Path widened by the side of the clough. This may need further work next Spring to counteract any further erosion.

e) Overhanging trees cut back

The very narrow path by the clough.

Neil widening the path and cutting
back the trees, bilberries and heather.

f) Drainage issues addressed.

Drainage issues on the path near the bridge.

Water now flowing off the path and 
into the clough.

Today's work was funded by Little Box Consulting. Many thanks.