Monday 11 December 2023

CRAGG VALE - Calderdale Way

 It was dry day for a change (though not underfoot!).  Stella and Ginny worked on two sites in Cragg Vale, the work being funded by Calderdale Ramblers. Many thanks.


The details

The Calderdale Way climbs uphill from Cragg Road towards Marshaw Bank.  The first tasks were to cut back the laurel hedge and to reset a waymark post.

The good stone track has become a stream! Further up it is possible to see why, but not possible to remedy! This problem has been reported to Calderdale Highways.

One of the many over-flowing pipes that . . . 

 . . . turn the track into a stream!

Further up, another stream crossing the path is too wide to cross easily, but with a bit of  stone shifting and scraping it is now much better.
A deep stream crossing! . . .

. . . now a bit shallower!
We then crossed to the other side of the valley and cleared the steps in Spa Wood where the fallen leaves had made them a trip hazard.

  Spot the steps! . . . 

. . . and here they are!