Friday 8 December 2023

TODMORDEN - Grey Stone Lane and Bottomley

 On a grey day, which became progressively wetter, there were two groups out from Todmorden:

a) Catherine and Kasher revisited Grey Stone Lane (Todmorden 011) near Great Rock to try to sort out the perpetual drainage problems. We will need to return to this lane to complete the task!

b) David and Mick worked on the final (or possibly penultimate) session attempting to control the water flowing down Todmorden 144 between Rough Stones and Clunter Clough.

A heavy shower of rain forced Catherine and Kasher off the hill as we thought we should rescue David and Mick . . . . unfortunately, by the time we arrived in Bottomley the rain had abated (a little) so we were put to work assisting in the installation of the final two pieces of revetment. All we have to do now is wait to see whether the trackway will dry out a little. We will return to this in a few days time to add additional pins to the revetment, to monitor the water flow and to clear the main drain. In the Spring we will work on the access to the footpath up the hillside towards Allescholes Rd.

Today's work on Todmorden 144 has been paid for by the residents of the adjacent house. Many thanks. The work on Grey Stone Lane has been paid for by Little Box Consulting Ltd. Thank you!

Ditches cleared on Grey Stone Lane.

Catherine in the rain . . . again!

Additional revetments added to control
the water flowing down Tod 144.

Nearly there.....

Three very wet CROWS . . . and a not
quite so wet house owner!