Wednesday 29 November 2023



Jerry, Nick and Paul were out today working on three different paths in the Old Town area. It was a frosty, cold, yet bright start on the moor edge above Chiserley where we dug out a clogged drainage channel that runs parallel to the footpath from Old Laithe to the Reservoir. We then went on to sort out drainage on the Calderdale Way path that comes up from Hillcroft Cottages to meet a four-way junction on Slack House Lane. After a lunch sitting on the low wall by Wainsgate chapel enjoying the warm sunshine, we moved on to cut back and clean up a narrow walled path that runs between Wainsgate Farm and the Hall.

The work was funded by donations from local residents from the CROWS collection box in Old Town Post Office / shop. Thank you.

Details: The first job entailed cutting out wads of grass and other plants from the drainage channel. Water running off the fields through the heather and onto this path is a perennial problem and ongoing maintenance to dirct the flow of water away from the footpath is essential.

Frosty drainage channel on the right.

Jerry getting stuck in!

Cleared channel.

The second job was more problematic as the path in question had been silted up by recent water ingress. This had raised the level of the path above the turn-by causing  an increased flow of water down the footpath resulting in some erosion. Jerry and Nick dug a new drainage channel to direct water into an already existing channel away from the footpath. Paul cut back a nearby hedge that was encroaching onto the path and cleared out a stone turn-by.

Silted up area.

New drainage channel dug out.

The third job entailed cutting back overhanging foliage and widening the footpath to imptove access.



Overall, it was an enjoyable day working in glorious sunshine to maintain three footpaths in the Old Town area.