Wednesday 29 November 2023


On a beautiful, crisp Autumn day Jan and Kasher had two main tasks:

a) cutting back and strimming on Heptonstall 051 (Northwell Lane)

b) strimming to reinstate the correct line of Park Lane (Heptonstall 025), reinstating marker posts and checking on the small boardwalk which goes over the stream.

Today's work has been funded by Heptonstall Parish Council. Many thanks


a)    Northwell Lane, which leads from the centre of Heptonstall, is a well-walked track which is also part of the Calderdale Way. Although much of the vegetation is now dying back, the brambles are still present and threatening to cover the route. By cutting the brambles at this time and again early next year we may prevent the brambles from both sides meeting in the middle! This track gives lovely views into  the valley and across to the frosty fields beyond.

The stocks and waymarker now visible.

The view from the Calderdale Way.

The strimmed track.

Jan doing battle with the brambles.

b) Over the last few years, the line walked for Heptonstall 025 has moved. The route should go between the fence and the stream but the line has moved and people are walking on the wrong side of the stream and into the main section of the field. We have strimmed the correct line and have exposed the boardwalk. However, we will need to come back to replace this small boardwalk and also to reinstate the marker posts to clearly define this route,

The cleared boardwalk . . . which will need replacing!

The correct line of Heptonstall 025 which 
is hard to walk.

The cleared line of the path.