Wednesday 29 November 2023


What a day to be a CROW! Blue sky and sunshine, frosty air, no wind.  And the  walkers were out as Angus and Stella worked on this marvellous old path.  It runs from Heptonstall Road up to Hell Hole Rocks, with great views up the valley.  It was once a substantial stone-paved road, but many of the stones have long gone and others are covered with vegetation.  An emerging problem is serious water-scouring after rain, which is starting to undermine the integrity of the path. So our task is to provide some routes for the water to flow off rather than down the path and today we made a start, digging out channels, and widening the path to the side of them to encourage walkers away from the scoured areas.  There is more to do and we'll be back.

Today's work was funded by Heptonstall Parish Council, thank you.

The path


The tools

A great section, widened and cleared of vegetation, 
so that walkers can avoid the new drainage channel
on the right hand side

A similar approach a little lower down, but no stones survive here.