Wednesday 29 November 2023


Falling Royd: stile replacement.

On a stunning, cold, Autumn day Ray, Ian S and Frank H applied their combined expertise to re-build a stile on the right-of-way (Hebden Royd 019) that runs from near Falling Royd towards Broadbottom Farm. 

The stile is at the point where rough grazing gives way to a wooded hillside and the work was funded by friends and family of Tim Mihailovik. Many thanks.

The Detail

Although the temperature hovered around 0 degrees C, the combination of a windless day, sheltered location and Autumn sunshine made for ideal working conditions. We even shed a layer or two!

i) The start

The old stile

What's the problem? Mmm! Every step-leg and vertical timber (apart from the left-hand stile post) is rotten. The treadboards are wobbly and the top rail is not as horizontal as it looks!

ii) Work in progress

Old cross-rails removed and
stock fence being re-attached. 

New right-hand side-post being positioned.
Frank looking slightly anxious? . . . .

. . . No! He was just desperate for lunch . . . as was Ian!

New side post and two cross-rails in place.
Step legs undergoing final adjustments.
Is everything aligned properly? . . . 

 . . . Never in doubt! - although you need
eagle-eyes to spot that the bubble
 is exactly central.

iii) The end result.

A neat two-step stile. New left-hand post has diagonal
bracing and the stock fence has been re-attached and
re-tensioned. Yellow tubing covers barbs near the
new post. All rails are horizontal with lamb-proof
spacing and the step legs have been cross-braced
(bracing not visible in picture) for extra stability.

View from the rough grazing side towards
the stile and into the wood. The extra width
of the stile makes it easier to negotiate.