Wednesday 29 November 2023


 Ken and Rich worked on three problems

  • Bridleway gate catches and waymarking (funded by Calderdale Council Highways)
  • Waymark post at Moorcock Farm on the Calderdale Way (funded by Calderdale Ramblers)
  • Wet steps down from a path on to Stocks Lane (funded by Little Box Consulting)
Two of the sites

The details

Both bridleway gate catches were not working due to settlement of the posts and all the waymarks were faded to blank white discs! Both catches were reinstated and new waymarks were put up. 

On to Moorcock Farm to put up a new waymark post where the Calderdale Way Link Path from Wainstalls joins the main route. We managed to save a lovely old 'arrow to Wainstalls'. 

Stocks Lane steps - all cleared

As a bonus - a few extra waymarks were added to paths on the way!