Monday 27 November 2023

MYTHOLMROYD - White Field Lane

Rich and Linda went to a lovely old paved sunken path that goes from Park Lane up to Daisy Bank. The path has multiple problems making it difficult to negotiate - two big drainage issues resulting in running water and mulch down the path, and encroaching trees and thorns. 

Work today was funded by friends and family of Tim Mihailovik

The details

On arrival, we were greeted with a stream running down the path and several inches of mulch at the bottom entrance. 

Photo of the wet path that doesn't do justice to
the volume of water running down it!

We discovered two of the original stone drains that had effectively disappeared. Both were dug out and . . .  hooray! . . . the running water stopped!

Linda with one of the newly uncovered drains

A really exciting photo of an old stone drain running clear (Rich did this)

We then had the task of  clearing all the mulch off the path and cutting back encroaching holly, hawthorn and brambles. 

Causey stones revealed


The bottom section, cleared of mulch and no longer running with water!