Friday 24 November 2023

BLACKSHAW HEAD - Hippins Clough and Daisy Bank Clough

What a fantastic day to be out! . . .  at least it was on the sunny side of the valley where Ken, David, Mick and Kasher crossed the Todmorden border into Blackshaw Head! 

There were three main tasks:

a) Reinstate and add-in marker posts along the path (Blackshaw 087) from Hippins Bridge to the dam.

b) Improve the drainage along BS 087 and BS 051 (towards Cow Side Lane).

c) Meet up with members of the Mid-Lancashire branch of the Drystone Walling Association to get advice on how to repair the small packhorse bridge at the junction of BS 046 and 050 (see map below)

Today's work was funded by Littlebox Consulting Ltd. Many thanks.


a) and b)    The footpath alongside Hippins Clough is relatively well defined but is exceptionally wet in places. The team installed a number of new yellow-topped posts and reinstated others which had been broken by the cattle that graze this area.

We also created or reopened turnbys along the track to drain standing water off the causey stones. However, further work will be needed to improve the ditching along this track.

David and Ken sorting out the drainage on BS 051.

Ken . . . Have azad. Can travel!!

Mick and David discussing the
finer points of drainage.

Above Hippins Dam.

c)     There is a small packhorse bridge very close to the junction of BS 046 and 050. This bridge crosses Daisy Bank Clough at the bottom of Lower Lane from Harleywood Gate. Although this route is now a footpath, originally it may have been a packhorse trail. The bridge itself is illustrated in Titus Thornber's book "Seen on the Packhorse Tracks".  

Unfortunately one section the bridge is unstable and the whole structure is in danger of being 'lost'. 

Members of the Drystone Walling Association
examining the small, very neat packhorse bridge
which is unstable and obscured by overgrowth.

CROWS originally discussed this problem with the Mid-Lancs branch of the Drystone Walling Association at Todmorden Country Show back in June. Two members of their team came to look at this bridge to see if (and how) it could be repaired. 

Following today's visit, the situation looks promising although it will entail significant work from both the CROWS team and from members of the Drystone Walling Association . . .  and there is also the matter of costs! Watch this space!

The small packhorse bridge and some of
the stonework which need realigning.