Wednesday 22 November 2023

TODMORDEN - Ramsden Clough (3)

Today was the third session working along Ramsden Clough (on Todmorden 133). The team today consisted of Ray, Jan, Gareth, Ian S, Paul, RJ and Kasher.

The tasks for this murky and drizzly day were:

a) completing the flight of steps, near the top of the clough, which we started on the first session,

b) building a number of additional steps at the lower end of the clough,

c) replacing more cross-treads on the bridge and fixing staples to the cross-treads,

d) constructing revetments and widening sections of the path.

One final session may be needed to sort out the handrail and replace a few more cross-treads on this much repaired bridge.

The work is being funded by a donation from the Todmorden Wind Farm Fund accessed through the 'Community Foundation for Calderdale'. Many thanks.

RJ removing old cross-treads and
installing new ones.

Ian S inserting an additional step.

Paul adding steps to the
top of the flight.

Jan and Ray sorting out more steps.

Kasher adding in new cross-treads.

It was a damp day to
work in Ramsden Clough!