Wednesday 22 November 2023


It was damp and misty but there was no real rain today for Andrew, Angus, Jerry & Stella, which was a blessing on this delightful but rather muddy stretch of the Calderdale Way. Our recent survey identified several jobs on quite a short stretch of path:  a stile repair, clearing stretches of overgrown and invisible stone slabs, some waymarking, drainage and some cutting back.  A nice varied day for our merry band! Work funded by Ripponden Parish Council, many thanks.

The path.

This stile..

......needed new legs and treadboards

Mud cleared & stile repaired

A slippery detour had developed around the buried flags....

......which scrubbed up very nicely!

Is there a path here?

Here it comes.... all its glory.

Before we waded in, the water was overtopping a blocked pipe and
streaming down the path.  Now it is channeled and bridged
which should provide a dry line for walking.

Last job of the day