Friday 1 December 2023


 It was another beautiful day to be out working on the footpaths and bridleways in our area . . . . as long as you were on the right side of the hill! Always avoid the dark side, we say!

Mick and Gareth were working on Todmorden 144, between Clunter Clough and Rough Stones, in Bottomley. They were trying to control the water which is pouring out of the walls on the side of the track and turning the lane into a complete quagmire. Unfortunately, they were in the shade all day but still managed to install five sections of revetment.

Meanwhile, Catherine and Kasher were ticking off a number of smaller jobs - strangely these were all in the sun! We were adding staples to the treadboards of stiles near Higher Knowl and reinstating marker posts on the bridleway (Todmorden 098) which is also the start of the Todmorden Geology Trail. We also reinstated marker posts across the moor on Todmorden 079.

Today's work on Todmorden 144 was paid for by the residents of the adjacent house. All other works were funded by Little Box Consulting Ltd. Many thanks.

Gareth and Mick assessing the task on Tod 144.

Cutting the 'line' for the first of
five revetments.

The water coming through the wall
is now contained by the revetments.

Marker post at the start of the Geology Trail
being adjusted!

Catherine adding in staples to stile treadboards.

An upright post . . . but there are cattle about!