Friday 1 September 2023

TODMORDEN - off Knotts Road (more steps!)

Knotts Road - the upper flight of steps!

It was an ideal day for Neil Mc and Frank H to work on the short section of 'desire line' footpath that links Knotts Road (opposite Ivy Cottage) with the track (Todmorden 086) that goes through the lower section of Knotts Wood. This patch of land (as do several others in the area) falls under the 'umbrella' of Heath Charity Lands and is in the sole trusteeship of Calderdale Council. 

Today's work was to make a start on the upper flight of steps where the desire line emerges on to the track.

In this sheltered location, step building commenced. In comparison to the difficult conditions encountered while building the lower flight, today's work was relatively straightforward and we aimed to install five steps and then add a marker-post to indicate where the path leads off the track (Todmorden 086).

The work is being funded by Calderdale Highways. Many thanks.

The detail

i) Before work started

The slope here is steep and embedded boulders may be a problem, but the plan was to start at the bottom centre of picture and construct a flight of steps that curved left then right, then left to snake up gracefully (or otherwise) to the track.

ii) The progress

Two steps in place but not yet fully landscaped. Neil is nailing the stobs to the riser of the third step. Mmm! Good technique - well balanced, eye on the job, hammer held correctly and (most importantly) right hand thumb well out of harm's way!

Five steps in place. Edge sections of the tread areas have been protected by stone revetment and banked with turf. The steps are more graceful than they look and lead the user easily upwards.

iii) End of session

Tread areas have been consolidated and side-sections are now fully landscaped. A marker-post (the yellow top is just visible) indicates the access point to what will be the top of the steps.

The next session here will see the steps - perhaps another five - reaching the track. Further consolidation of the tread areas may be needed once this week's work has settled . . . the excitement mounts!