Wednesday 30 August 2023

LUDDENDEN - off Castle Carr Road

Three teams out today. By the North Lodge, team 1 built a boardwalk across a wet ditch and, close by, team 2 built steps on the steep slope leading up from the road. At Upper Heys, team 3 sorted out some waymarking, put in two waymarking posts and cleared most of a stand of gorse that was blocking the path. 

Today's work was funded by Calderdale Highways and Luddenden Civic Society.


The details

Team 1 - the boardwalk

Under blue skies and in a sheltered location, Andrew and Frank H had the interesting task of replacing a partly broken and rapidly sinking boardwalk.

i) Before work began:


Plan A was to remove the old boardwalk and construct a sound replacement that would have the additional benefit of not starting and finishing in a bog!

 ii) The work progresses

The bearers are in place to support the boardwalk such that the 3.0 m stringers bridging the bog are level both lengthways and laterally. Cross-treads have been fixed permanently at both ends and kickboards are in place. A temporary central cross-tread has been added to limit any lateral bowing of the stringers and anchoring stobs are being hammered into position. The stobs will be nailed to the stringers which in turn will be pinned to the bearers.

All anchoring stobs are in place. Edge trims have been added. A 'take-off/landing' stone has been embedded at one end of the boardwalk. The job is looking good as Andrew, who put in his usual energetic shift, provides a sense of scale.

iii) Towards the end of the session

Reverse view of the boardwalk which is on a right-of-way footpath (FP Halifax 133). Although they are virtually invisible, staples have been added to the cross-treads to facilitate grip in wet conditions and another 'take-off/landing' stone is in place. 

Some additional landscaping was done to tidy-up the site (no photos) and we could then stand back and admire! It is very satisfying when Plan A works (and works smoothly!) to give a high quality, structurally stable outcome. 

Team 2 - the steps and the boggy patch.

Jan, Jerry and Paul concentrated on replacing the four rotted steps that led up from the road to a gap stile in the field wall. The step line was steep, up an embankment, with the four existing steps widely spaced and difficult to negotiate. To make the ascent easier, we decided to replace these four rotted steps with six new ones.

Jerry getting stuck in!

As we dug in to make some stob-holes for the first two steps, we discovered a thick layer of shale rock. Driving holes through this material proved difficult and time consuming but eventually using a bar and lump hammer we managed to break through.

Getting there!

Jerry and Jan continued building the steps and consolidated the tread area as they went along.

Job completed!

Meanwhile Paul sorted some drainage problems on the footpath uphill from the boardwalk

A bit boggy!

Water ingress was by the left-hand fence post in the picture. A suitable channel was dug out to encourage water flow downhill to the right of the picture.

Job done.

Team 3 - waymarking and gorse  

Billie and Richard 

One new post in place, one old post re-seated, one waymark added to an existing post and great views on a beautiful day across the valley.

Dealing with the gorse turned out a lot trickier than expected! This was partly due to an equipment malfunction but also the need to deal with some pesky brambles. However, by the end of the session there was only a short stretch (less than 3 metres) still to do. Photos showing before and after.

It was a magnificent sunny day with the added bonus of working next to a superb blackberry patch . . . Yummy!

Ginny and Rich returned to finish the cutting back.