Wednesday 30 August 2023

TODMORDEN - Great Rock

The work of cutting back and strimming paths near Great Rock continued today with Fred and Kasher tackling a small sunken lane (Todmorden 007) which passes Whiteley Royd Farm. The sides of the lane are covered in bilberries and blackberries. Today's strimming should make the blackberries more accessible whilst preventing the brambles from getting out of hand . . . and causing a problem next year!

The team then ventured "over the border" to do some cutting back on Blackshaw 087 from Hippins Bridge, where the goat willow was in danger of blocking the pathway.

Tod 007 is now walkable.

Its a long way back uphill carrying the strimmer
and other tools!

Fred . . . hiding in the willow.

It's the end of a tiring day but the car is in sight . . .  just!

On our return from Hippins, we checked a number of footpaths eg  BS 066 near New Lathe Farm and BS 057 opposite Staups Dam, which need way-marking and cutting back.

Today's work was funded by Todmorden Town Council. Many thanks.