Tuesday 29 August 2023

CALDERDALE WAY - start of waymarking project

Many waymarks on the Calderdale Way are broken, faded or missing. New waymarks have been kindly designed by Keith Devine from Todmorden and Ramblers Holidays Charitable Trust have generously paid for printing them. CROWS will be re-waymarking the route over the next few months. 

The details

Derek and Rich, as a test run for the project, worked on Link Path Q (Hebden Bridge to Allswell Farm above Old Town). Some waymarks were added, some were replaced. We also identified a couple of small jobs that needed doing

Link Path Q (top section is just off the map)

Four of the waymarks on the route

 The Link Path is a great route to get from Hebden Bridge to Old Town.

A note about the Calderdale Way

The Calderdale Way is a 50 mile circular walk that can easily be done in short sections with the aid of Link Paths. 

The current guidebook is 25 years old, but for an updated set of directions go to the Heart of The Pennines website where there are free downloads.