Wednesday 13 September 2023

MYTHOLMROYD - Cragg Vale River Path

River Path from Spa Bridge to Parrock Clough  (indicated on the map as a faint, dashed line)

Two teams were out today.

Team 1 (aka Ian S and Frank H) replaced a rotted boardwalk bridge downstream from Spa Bridge.

Team 2 (aka Andrew, Ray, and Frank S) worked on the section of River Path from near Clough Foot Bridge down to Parrock Clough, carrying out a series of upgrading jobs: namely - widening and levelling a path, constructing revetment, securing a subsiding bench, improving a small footbridge and building steps.

This work was funded by Hebden Royd Town Council.

The detail

Team 1

Some 250 m downstream from Spa Bridge, dappled sunlight created steamy conditions for Ian and Frank to undertake the replacement of a short boardwalk/bridge across a feeder inlet for Cragg Brook.

i Start of work:

Here's the old boardwalk:

Although some timbers were reasonably sound, several cross-treads were rotten, the stringers were weakly anchored and the whole structure was tilting because erosion was starting to undermine the banks. 

The plan was to build a completely new but slightly longer version parallel to the old structure then re-align and re-grade the paths leading to and away from the boardwalk. 

ii) Work in progress:

New stringers are in place. For each stringer, one end rests on wooden bearers while the other (as in the picture) is on a stone surface. The stringers have been anchored by stobs and cross-rails have been fixed permanently at the ends and temporarily in the centre. Ian is hammering in nail number 20 . . .  only 80 more nails to go . . . but then there's the staples!

iii) Near the end of the session:

New, slightly higher and longer boardwalk complete with kick-board, edge trims, staples to improve grip and re-aligned pathwork at both ends.

Later we removed the old, rotten boardwalk and made the former approach paths less accessible. We were pleased with the outcome it 'ticked the boxes' as being 'safe', 'secure', 'stable', 'durable' and 'aesthetically pleasing'. Mmm! . . . . Stand back and admire?

Team 2

i) Near Clough Foot Bridge , 'our gang of three' widened the section of path alongside the stables and installed a short length of revetment where tree roots had caused the edge to crumble. 

ii) There's a lovely bench where walkers are invited to "sit and rest awhile", but its feet had sunk into the ground so it was tipped forwards! We re-packed the brickwork under the feet so weary walkers now have a level 'perch'! 

iii) Just by the road there is a small but slippery footbridge. We added staples (they are difficult to spot!) to give walkers a better grip underfoot.

iv) Then it was onwards, downstream to Parrock Clough, where just above the sturdy footbridge that CROWS constructed last year, we improved the path that leads up the bank by adding an extra length of revetment and a new step.

Another CROWS' day done! It's back to the depot to clean and sort out tools . . . then it's home for a hot shower and a date with ' Deep Heat' liniment!