Thursday 21 September 2023

CALDERDALE WAY -Todmorden area

In complete contrast to yesterday's awful weather today was a lovely day to start the surveying and re-waymarking of the Calderdale Way (CW) around Todmorden.

RJ and Kasher worked on the routes from Todmorden to the golf course and up to Whirlaw. Then it was along the Calderdale Way to Rake Hey and finally back down to the valley via Stoney Royd Lane.

As well as replacing any faded and broken waymarks, we also adjusted some that were potentially misleading. Route finding should now be much easier, but the benefits of a map etc should not be ignored!

Additionally, we identified a number of problems (mainly stiles and drainage) which have now been added to our ever-lengthening 'to do" list!

Advice to walkers crossing Todmorden Golf Course!

Replacing waymarkers on a difficult to reach post.

A stile in need of some TLC.

Drainage issues near West Whirlaw.

Drainage issues near junction of CW and TCW.