Wednesday 20 September 2023

CRAGG VALE - The Riverside Path

Cragg Vale:

There were two teams out on the Cragg Vale riverside path today, each hoping that the trees would provide some shelter from the heavy showers. 

Team 1 of Frank H, Frank S, and Jan were on the path below Green Bank Terrace, where a set of steps was showing signs of age. 

We replaced seven of the old steps and will have another session to deal with others as well as replacing some revetment. Additionally, we cleared the hedge around the fingerpost across the road from the start of the path.

Today's work was funded by Hebden Royd Town Council. Many thanks.

The details.


Spot the fingerpost!

The start of the path down to Cragg Brook is indicated but the the fingerpost is hidden in the hedge (see picture!). After some work with loppers and a pole-saw the post became clearly visible. Unfortunately as the rain poured down we forgot to take a photo.Whoops!

The steps:

A long flight of steps negotiates the steep slope below the aptly named Green Bank Terrace. Some of the steps are sound but many have seen better days. The seven worst cases (mainly due to rotten stobs or missing risers) had been earmarked for replacement. Here's how the work progressed:

The start:

Missing risers, collapsing tread areas and encroaching vegetation are typical problems. The picture quality is poor because of the 'steamy' atmosphere and adverse light conditions.

The effort:

As the rain pelted down we cut-back foliage, levered out old risers, removed rotten stobs, hammered-in new, longer stobs and fixed replacement risers in position. The picture shows a wraith-like Jan delivering hit number 50 to get the stob to the required depth. Energetic work - getting wet came as standard but getting cold was never an issue!


Just enough time between gusty showers to top-up energy levels. There's a lot to do!

End of session:

View up the flight of steps showing a mixture of new and old construction. There is more to do here but, as three pensioners confirmed, the bank is now much, much safer to negotiate. 

Until the next session, here's a parody reflecting on the perils of working in the rain.

This Drill has Broken

Any resemblance to 'Morning has Broken', originally a 1931 hymn but later made popular in the 1970s by Cat Stevens (aka Yusuf Islam; aka Steve Adams; aka Steven Georgiou) is coincidental!

This drill has broken, like the one last week:
No-one has spoken - never a word!
Where is the drill bit? Where is the spares' box?
Where is the charger? . . . It's all quite absurd!

Tool bag is open, Rain is fresh falling.
It's quite a downpour - unlikely to pass.
Our tools are wet now, some even soaking,
Nail tins are filling - with water alas!

Use the old tea towel - it's there for cleaning,
Give tools a wipe . . . then a quick spray.
Dry off all items, ready for morning;
CROWS will have more tasks on a new day.

Mmm! More (work that is) in a week or two!