Monday 17 July 2023

RIPPONDEN Railway Walk

 Linda, Lynda, Rich and Stella returned to this path (on a day of torrential showers) to continue work on waymarking, cutting back, sawing fallen tree and branches, mud-scraping and drainage - all those maintenance jobs which keep a path open for walkers to enjoy.  The path is well-used and forms a lovely three-mile circuit.  We've nearly finished now - just a bit more drainage to attend to, a gate to ease and a waymark arrow to paint on a stone wall.

This work is kindly funded by Ripponden Parish Council.  Thank you.

Ripponden Railway Walk

Creeping vegetation over causey stones,
pushing walkers off the path..... cleared

Two -person job to saw and remove a tree fallen across the path.

Chuffed lumberjack-and-jill

Holly giving us shelter as the rain bucketed down

Persuading a puddle off the path

Hedge haircut before....

....and after