Monday 31 July 2023

RIPPONDEN Railway Village Walk

Hooray! On another mizzly, damp day Lynda, Linda & Stella made the final visit to the Railway Walk  (Ripponden Village Walks no. 3) to complete the jobs we had identified to keep this route pleasurable, relatively dry and free of obstruction by vegetation encroaching from all sides. It has taken us several visits, and if you have been following the blog you may remember it has involved improving the waymarking, clearing buried causey stones and tackling a fallen tree, as well as the more routine scraping of mud, channelling of water and cutting back of holly and brambles. It is a lovely circuit and well used by local walkers, both human and canine. 

Pictures of the various stages have been posted before, so today just a view of clearing branches from another tree which came down in the last week.

Ripponden Parish Council have kindly funded this work, for which we thank them.

The walk

The tree

The path cleared